original Linnean specimens
microphanerophyte, 2n=18, diploid
mesoxeric, calciphyle, petrophyle
western Palearctic
Erico-Pinetalia, Stipio pulcherrimae-Festucetalia
pallentis, Festucion rupicolae (if on limestones,
as near the western outskirts of Cluj-Napoca city, Feleac
hills, Transsylvania)
R3401-3403, 3410, 3412, R4215-4218 habitats
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A very beautiful not rare and fragrant small shrub which is easy
to be noticed only in the spring.
Faget forest area, south-west of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, an
isolated small population, 21st of April 2011.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.net

Pictures taken in Scarita-Belioara calcareous massif,
Gilau-Muntele Mare Mountains, in May 2006
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.com